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About Build'in and the Co-Innovation Lab

Build’in is the experimental research platform on construction robotics of l’Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and funded by Ile-de-France region.It is part of a Co-Innovation Lab, devoted to collaborative research between academic and industrial partners.


Build’in is structured on the expertise of Laboratoire Navier , Imagine and other laboratories and gathers researchers from various background (mechanics of materials, structural design, computer vision, AI…) around innovative projects and demonstrators.The platform is equipped for large-scale experimentation.


In addition to the conventional mechanical testing devices, and the synergies with the other means of analysis available to the Ecole des Ponts ( microstructural analysis, imaging, micro-tomograph, computing cluster), Build'in also has several industrial robots. This offer is accompanied by the expertise provided by researchers, engineers and technicians dedicated to the operation of Build'in.

Build'In uses its equipment for research, teaching, and techological developments.



Teaching and prototyping


  • 2 ABB IRB-120 robots with force sensor

  • 1 Laser cutter Trotec Speedy400

  • 1 CNC CharlyRobot

  • 6 plastic 3d printers

  • 1 virtual reality kit HTC Vive



Multi robotic cell


  • 2.5m 6 axes robot, with force sensor

  • 2.5m 6 axes robot, with force sensor on a 9m track

  • Tools : grippers, hotwire cutting, mill

  • Fixed workstations : circular saw, drill, rebar bending machine.



Large-scale 3D printing​


  • 1 robot 6 axes ABB IRB-6620 de 2.5m

  • Large-scale extruder for bi-component and mono-component material

Organisation/a propos


The Build'in platform is one of the three platforms of the Co-Innovation Lab des Ponts that rely on the expertise of the School's research laboratories.

Home institution
Institutional partner
Région Île de France

Ecole des
Ponts ParisTech

chiffres clefs

Key figures


Member of the consortium Construire au Futur, Habiter le Futur in the framework of Territoire d'Avenir


Projet Build'in+ Sésame Filière (750 k€) funded by Île-de-France region for the development of the construction industry in Paris region.


Project DiXite - Digital Construction Site (750 k€) funded by ISITE Future

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